Monday 28 February 2011

Teeth and bones

I'm currently recovering from a tooth infection. It was caused by a hole in my tooth according to my dentist. It was the first time I'd seen him in eleven years and, I'm pleased to report, all my teeth are in very good condition considering with this one pain-in-the-neck (or more correctly tooth) exception. I have big, gappy ones which helps a lot!

One small piece of (not too chewy) food for thought for you all though. My dentist, when I went to see him was more sympathetic about my ME than any of my GPs are or have ever been. Don't you think that is odd? My Dad says its probably because you pay to see a dentist so they're more charming towards you to attract more customers like a business, though he also added that Mr Little is a particularly able one. If you don't like them you can go somewhere else. Drs will get paid regardless of how many patients they have or how they treat them so don't have as much incentive to be decent. What does that say about our health service?

Examples of their helpfulness; he arranged to have the appointment in the hygienists room downstairs so I didn't have to struggle with the two flights of stairs; came out to greet us while we were waiting and assured they'd get round to us as soon as possible; asked me if there was anything that frightened me; also about my benefits if I qualified for a free visit which I didn't; kept up a constant stream of chatter like a comedians patter the whole time; said how my was my ME, and it was lovely to see me after all this time

It  almost made it worth having toothache for a week! It was pretty awful though, much worse than it looked as it was inside my tooth. He was very cautious about giving me antibiotics but, after a couple of sleepless night and foodless days, I eventually succumbed to them and am still living with the consequences. It also left me feeling very drained.

The one good thing is that they can fill it in (or the cheaper option, remove it) so I don't have to endure it again. Second good thing the ff 'News, Views, Campaigns and Petitions forum has reopened under the watchful eyes of my gd friend Firestormm and the equally lovely Cahzz who I mentioned in my last post. Thank you so much fire for persauding them!

What do you think of my new background? It is one of my pics   

1 comment:

  1. Mr Little lent me a CD once. Kenny Wayne Shepherd 'Trouble Is...'
