Saturday 5 March 2011

If there is one thing I'd like to change about the world...

it'd be to give science back its integrity. Science should be about precise facts, not something you can twist and warp to fit yourself as the government so often seems to do with its own funded research.

It is the same with both enviromental and medical government funded research. Government twists the data untill it fits their attitudes and budget

A quote from 'British wildlife';

" 'New chemical element discovered'

Defra scientists are proud to announce the discovery of a super-heavy element called Governmentium (Gm). Though inflated and obese, the thing is held together by vast numbers of sticky particles known as morons. Governmentiums mass increases over time, during which it reorganises itself regularly to form isodopes. Eventually it reaches what is known as a 'critical morass', but fortunately nothing happens. Governmentium is completely inert

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