Wednesday 18 May 2011

Goings on at number 6 Plummer Close

Since starting the LDN again I've begun to recover from my latest nausea-initated relapse. Afterwards I'd felt shattered, dizzy and full of fog; dry, flemghy mouth; unable to speak; hypersensitive to light and sound; headachy; and I even had some leg muscle pain which I haven't for years! Though it wasn't that bad and could have been due to cramp. Since the LDN though my dizziness, fog, tiredness and headache have improved. I've managed a little blogging, foruming and sewing, spoken a few words and sat in the garden.

I've lost a lot of weight and am struggling to put it back on again due to tiredness and my stomach has shrunk so I become full quickly. Its a struggle to eat even a normal amount to stay alive. Apparently if I continue the way I am my body will start turning my muscle into energy instead. So its important I maxamise every mouthful I take calorie-wise.

I've got to drink fortisips which are utterly revolting.

I've also been consuming a lot of stinging nettles!! I was advised to do so by a herbalist whom my Mum met at a workshop. (I intended to go, but was too ill, so my Mum went in my stead.) I have nettle and apple juice tonic for breakfast and nettle soup for tea. They're rich in many vits and minerals including A + C, potassium, iron, and calcium

1 comment:

  1. Hey Petal.

    I am so pleased you are making some more progress now with the LDN and NETTLES :)

    Try and chill with the new music - we'll have you back on Guns n Roses before you know it!

    Take care x
