Saturday 11 December 2010

'The real sleeping beauty'

I was watching a programme yesterday about a 16 year old girl who suffers from Kleine Levin syndrome. Kleine Levin syndrome is a rare sleep condition that affects one in a million people and possibly not surprisingly has no known cure. Throughout the programme there was a lot of emphasis on this lack of cure which set me thinking about my own condition which affects up to 150,000 in the UK alone but likewise has no known cure or diagnosis test (or so the health departments involved with government claim). Although I doubt that all of those people have the classic ME type, its still its a amazing number!

Especially when you think that, although I'm sure its very frustrating for Louisa (the girl) to live with, the episodes only last a couple of weeks and in between she is able to party, socialise, dance and attend schooll. Whilst I by contrast was not able to perform such basic bodily functions as eating, sleeping and talking ( sometimes even breathing) for the first seven years of my illness.

Whats really frustrating is, although I know my fellow sufferers claim that the reason the health athorities trivialise ME in order to save money on research and services, it would actually save them as much as £6.4, billion money in the long term with all the people who'd be able to return to work

Anyways if you wish to watch the programme 'The real sleeping beuaty' go to

Sleeping beauty Louisa Ball suffers from Kleine-Levin Syndrome, a rare condition where people sleep for weeks at a time

You will also see if you go to the Videos and Slideshows page new videos on XMRV

The programme did also set me thinking how much ME could really do with a good looking, cute, bubbly ambassador. So long as they were passionate about ME and its impact too. Ah well, Chlay'll just have to hurry up and get famous

Hope your all AWAP :)

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