Friday 19 November 2010

Introducing Jeremy; my hyperactive hamster

Jeremy is a new addition to our family; a hyperactive hamster with an unusually large nose. I took him in from Uncle Allan, at my local RSPCA branch, under the illusion that he was a baby guinea pig but I think I must have been mistaken as its beyond the realms of possibility for a guinea pig to move so fast.

I thought he'd make a nice companion for Barney. He'd become more nervous since Fred died so I decided he needed some more piglet company

Jeremy was one of a family of 6 (including Mum) who came up here after being rescued from Huntingdon in Kent.
Jack and Toby his two brothers

 Autumn and Snowflake his two sisters
Mum on the left, Shelley

His Mum is a ridgeback guinea pig as is his brother Jack also. I don't think Jeremy is. I was actually more attracted by his brov, Jack, partly because he had a crest like Fred. I decided on Jeremy for Barneys sake though as he seemed the more staid and submissive of the pair. Fred had been the more staid and submissive of the two in their relationship so I thought Jeremy would best fill the gap

Example of a ridgeback

Since arriving he has squeaked almost non-stop, done Tom and Jerry style circuts of their cage with Barney at top speed, stood on tiptoe to sniff  curiously through the bars of his cage and the top of the hut, snatched Barneys lettuce from under his nose, and tried to crawl off my bed to go exploring. So much for being staid!

We had a few typical problems introducing him to Barney to start with. Barney was very hopeful that Jeremy was a female pig and kept trying to mate with him. After succumbing to the realisation that hewas just a boring boy though, and having showed him who was boss, they seem to be getting on quite well. They're very comical to see together

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